important things we want you to know

Questions And Answers

Results are file specific, we have seen results as quickly as 15 days. The typical time for full file restoration is 6-9 months.

Credit Factor uses our extensive knowledge of consumer laws through the FCRA, CFPB, FDCPA, and others to dispute inaccurate or unprovable information on your credit report.

If a “credit repair” company is promising extremely “fast” or “expedited” credit repair this is a red flag. The methods used to “accelerate” file repair require police reports and identity theft claims. Falsifying a police report is a criminal offense.

If a “credit repair” company demands payment in full and upfront this is also a red flag. FCRA and CFPB regulations explicitly state a company may not charge upfront for “Credit Repair”

If a “credit repair” company “Guarantees” that they can remove items this is also a red flag. Stay away from these scammers. 

Credit Factor charges processing and service fees to cover our costs of operations such as document processing, software and to pay our team. We do not charge you for “Credit Repair”

Yes! There is no score too low to be unrecoverable. Even if you have no credit history, we can help you achieve a good score through a personalized plan just for you!

Yes, off course you can! You will even sign a disclosure if you come onboard with us that clearly sates that you can. However, in our experience this method is very frustrating and time consuming because the credit bureaus do not just roll over to a letter sent by you. It may sound biased, but we believe in trusting the professionals for help when you want something done right. Save your time! Its much more valuable than money. We would be happy to help you! Book a call with us today!

 Yes! Credit Factor offers a risk free refund policy at 90 days. If we are unable to resolve anything on your file and you do not wish to continue to advanced litigation with our legal team we will refund 100% of the price you paid. Rest assured, if for any reason we cannot help you, we will not take your money.